So many good books; so little time! Original stories, poetry, book reviews and stuff writers like to know.

Friday, January 10, 2020

A post with no apparent point

Gimme, gimme that . . . that thing before you hurt somebody!
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Say the word, on my way
Yeah babe, yeah babe, yeah babe

Well I'm the first to admit that I'm way out of my depth when it comes to interpreting the language in which Justin Bieber hits are crafted. The word “curmudgeon” comes to mind . . . again. 

And why would I even go there, knowing this? Well I read a re-post from Canadian Mennonite of a Gary Harder post of a year ago or so that said he got involved in a retired-clergy hockey game and one player appeared a great deal younger than his fellow clergy, and, turns out, would you believe, it was Justin Bieber! (I don't know if he was an ex-pastor with the same name as the celebrated heartthrob, or the REAL Justin Bieber. Honestly, I hardly knew nor cared whose leg was being pulled here. Or, possibly, that you might not know whether or not I'm pulling yours?)

And then I read the CBC morning news and was told there that Justin Bieber (pretty sure this was the real celebrity and not an aging Mennonite retired pastor) has Lyme Disease.

And then, of course, I Googled Justin Bieber and read some of the poetry emanating from his creative but apparently Lyme-infected mind and came across Yummy, Yummy, and from there I pondered other love song lyrics and what came to mind first was from John Denver's Annie's Song

You fill up my senses like a night in the forest,
like the mountains in springtime, like a walk in the rain,
like a storm in the desert, like a sleepy blue ocean.
You fill up my senses, come fill me again.

And I wondered, do “You fill up my senses” and “Yummy-yummy” actually say the same thing? And I wondered, “How young do you have to be for Yummy-yummy to be fully appreciated?” And then, “how old do you have to be for You fill up my senses to resonate?

And then, of course, there's the Song of Songs 4:1:

How beautiful you are, my darling!
Oh, how beautiful!
Your eyes behind your veil are doves.
Your hair is like a flock of goats
descending from the hills of Gilead.

And now I'm trying to imagine a woman's hair using the imagery of “a flock of goats,” etc. Not working. 

I end this post-with-no-apparent-point-to-it with what's called a “mash-up” in Bieber-generation-music circles, I think:

How you fill up my senses
Like a flock of goats descending
From the hills of Gilead
Come fill me again

Have a yummy-yummy day!